Tel: 0151 424 3108

Mission Statement

Kind deeds and Strong Endeavour

All day, Every day

Our Vision is to develop well-rounded, confident and responsible individuals who aspire to achieve their full potential. We will do this by providing a

Vibrant, Loving, Proud.

Learning environment in which everyone is equal and all achievements are celebrated.

Our School is a vibrant school, where all are encouraged to be expressive, creative and enjoy their learning in a positive atmosphere. Demonstrating an understanding of integrity and promoting this in everything we do.

Our School is a loving school, where all are valued and thrive in a safe, caring and supportive environment. We welcome everyone to our community and encourage friendly and mutually respectful relationships. We love to learn, we love to achieve, we love to champion everyone in our school family.

Our school is a proud school, where all aspire and persevere to be successful in whatever they do. We strive to enable all to be lifelong learners, equipped to fulfil our dreams

Vibrant: We aspire to make education lively, memorable, colourful and exciting.

Loving: Moorfield is a family where we love and respect each other. The school welcomes, nurtures and is considerate of people from all backgrounds, with wide-ranging talents and abilities and we actively strive to remove barriers in order that everyone can fulfil their potential.

Proud: Moorfield is about developing individuals’ pride and self-esteem, so that they can tackle future opportunities with optimism and resilience

In order to achieve this, we promote the core values of:

Passion, Respect, Integrity, Determination, Empathy

Welcome to Moorfield Primary School
Miss Hayes’ (2H) class assembly Thursday 2nd May at 2.40pm. Parents/carers welcome!
Monday 6th May – Bank Holiday
Tuesday 7th May – Years 1&2 visit to Walker Art Gallery
Year 6 SATS week – w/c 13th May
Friday 24th May – break up. Reopen Monday 10th June.

Headteacher’s Welcome.

It is a privilege for me to introduce myself as the Headteacher of Moorfield Primary School. My intention is straight forward – for us to serve your needs to the best of our ability. This warm and welcoming school is full of adults committed to supporting children, families and the community at large.

We are always seeking ways we can make school an even better place to come and learn. As a result we have a high regard for the learning environments that we create, in particular our development of the outdoor areas.

I feel it is important that Moorfield is as much for our parents and carers as it is for the children, therefore we invite you to play a real part in your child’s development by accessing the many and varied opportunities that exist for you. We look forward to welcoming you and working with you

Term Dates


Ofsted Report
